
Company Overview

Top Message

Demand for food and in particular livestock is projected to expand with future global population growth and rising incomes from economic advances in developing nations. Against this backdrop, feed materials are significantly impacted by global trends in agricultural production and aquaculture resources. Japan depends on imports for the majority of its feed materials, so we are focused on the international growth in demand for food and the supply balance for raw materials. In Japan, we are now confronted with a range of challenges, such as the abolition of tariffs in line with multinational economic partnership agreements, an accelerating decline in the population, and a shortage of labor. Furthermore, consumers remain keenly conscious of food safety and a high degree of food safety and reliability will continue to be a priority.

To respond flexibly to this changing environment, our employees will work as one in putting our heads together, working tirelessly, and maintaining a close dialog with our customers to proactively approach the challenges ahead. Embodied in our corporate slogan, “Food links into the future,” is the wish to provide safe, reliable, and high-quality feed in its optimal form to customers and contribute to “ensuring the safety of food”. Going forward, we aim to continue contributing to growth in the consumption of the safe, attractive, and wonderful livestock and fish produce that our customers so passionately create while at the same time supporting the advancement of Japan’s food culture.

Kazuhiro MiyauchiPresident

Management Philosophy

  • ・Support the safe / secure human food life as a part of food supply chain.
  • ・Supply the safe / secure feed and allied products of high quality.
  • ・Contribute to ensure the food / feed safety thoroughly following compliance with all laws and regulations.
  • ・Share the glory together with customers through the pursuit of economical efficiency and the provision of flexible services.
  • ・Sustain the growth-oriented policy to contribute to society as a high-integrity company.

Company Overview

Trade Name Marubeni Nisshin Feed Co., Ltd.
Established August 1, 1957
Capital 5.5 billion yen
Representative Director and President Kazuhiro Miyauchi
Number of employees 499 (as of April 2020)
Accounting period March
Major stockholders Marubeni Corporation
Nisshin Seifun Group Inc.
Correspondent financial institution Mizuho Bank, Ltd., et al
Location of headquarters Sakura Muromachi Building 4F, 4-5-1 Nihombashimuromachi,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0022 Location of bases
Company profile Digital Book PDF

Sales Amount

Sales156,250 million yen from April 2016 to March 2017

Market share of Marubeni Nisshin Feed from April 2016 to March 2017
Amount of livestock feed


23,749KTin Japan

Amount of aqua feed

Marubeni Nisshin Feed have No.1 marketshare in the aqua-feed industry segment.

sea bream


440KTin Japan

"Aqua-feed consortium" which is organized
by feed companies and organizations, and covers
around 80% of aqua-feed manufactured in Japan.

Research & Development


With the goal of contributing to our customers' management and profits, we promote research and development of products and programs.

The purpose of Marubeni Nisshin Feed's research and development

  • ・Safety and security of consumers
  • ・Consideration for the environment
  • ・Improvement of health and quality of livestock and raised fish
  • ・Creation of high added-value livestock and aqua products
  • ・Improvement of production efficiency

3 fundamental principles in Marubeni Nisshin Feed's research and development

  • ・Develop high quality livestock and aqua products which can protect the safety and health of consumers and provide production technology.
  • ・Adapt to livestock and fish breeds to provide feed and related technologies which can obtain the maximum production efficiency.
  • ・Develop and provide goods, products, and technologies with competitive power.

Multidiscipline Laboratory

The multidiscipline laboratory is located in Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture, which is blessed with a good climate. It is composed of a development group to research and develop feed and livestock products and an examination group for pathology examination and physical and chemical analyses.

Development group

Conducts basic research relating to the nutrition physiology of poultry, swine, and cattle as well as development and improvement of feed and supplements based on said research. Construction of reciprocal relationship between feed and the quality of livestock, development of livestock which can be differentiated more profitably, searching for new materials, and improvement of product quality management are also major themes of the research.

Examination group

Conducts pathology examinations and "system packs" on specimens received from customers, and physical and chemical analyses on the nutritional composition of compound feed and raw materials. The accumulated data has been useful to the customers as vital information.

Fisheries Research Laboratory

The fisheries research laboratory is located in the tip of the Atsumi Peninsula in Aichi Prefecture, in a place facing Mikawa Bay. In the laboratory, there is a larval fish production building and adult fish cultivation building. Using abundant underground ocean water, we breed fish for research and conduct the development of aqua feed to improve the quality of aqua products.


ISO22000 Acquisition

In May 2013, we gained acquisition of ISO22000 certification as the first compound feed company in Japan. From the standpoint that feed is also a food product, it is necessary to acquire IS022000 of the management system regarding food safety for a company responsible for a part of food culture. We contribute to "securing the safety of food products" while conducting the manufacture and sale of feed and related products safely, securely, and with high quality.

Security and Safety in the Manufacturing System

We have 12 manufacturing bases including 5 owned plants, 4 subsidiary plants, and 3 related plants in Japan.
We are promoting to maintain and upgrade the manufacturing system toward safety and security, based on:

  • ・Thorough quality control of products and ingredients, and manufacturing process control.
  • ・Measures to fight against BSE: Clear separation on manufacturing line between ruminant and monogastric animal feed.
  • ・Antimicrobial GMP certificate based on MAFF guideline: We took certification in all of own plants.